Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Auntie Sum, loving bein an aunt!!

What a HANDSOME little cutie. He's so strong!

Ava put on some of her Nanni's make-up and I took this picture of her thru the window. So purty!!! Ami posing. Look at those cheeks!!

Pretty girls, who know they're pretty pretty!!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Playin with Aunt Summer. He is so strong and he loves to stand up and be independent......or at least think he's independent, cuz then you try to change his diaper and he freeeeeeeeaks out because he just wants to cuddle and be held......(don't tell Billy).

Brooke calls this Lincoln's jailbird outfit.
Look how much he's growing, and, how dang flexible babies are. OUCH!!!

Mohawk Queens lovin bath time.......

ava is certainly not camera shy

I HIGHLY doubt, there are any cuter girls in the whole world, (except for Addy of course).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

mr. link man hangin

in the hood with aunt sum.....

happy as ever right????





Adalynn and her "cuz" Amelea, just

hangin in S-Town.....

Kate, 6 months preggo. I tell ya, she's brave to add another to her tribe so soon. The girls couldn't even sit still for twelve seconds to take a picture. Well.......at least they're as cute as they are, otherwise............

Ava got to hand feed the giraffes at the zoo.

She tho't that was pretty darn cool.

Summer, Ami and Ava at the St. Louis Zoo
Jordan and Addy on the carousel ride.
August, 2007

Kate, Ava, Amelea & Adalynn spending

time together in St. Louis, August 2007

Ava wants to be like Auntie Summer

and take pretty pictures.....................

What a PRO!!!!!

Mom looking stunning at

Brooke and Billy's wedding

December 2006

Ami's post lunch date with the bathtub coming up........

Amelea having her healthy lunch of mashed potatoes and cherry jello

mmmmmmmm.........lip smakin' good!!!

The pure beauty of the mountains I get to live in and see everyday..............

The "mirror" massage. Amelea, Jordan & Ava. They love being big girls!
And Ava, at Christmas time, she must've gotten something GOOD?!?!

Lincoln (a.k.a Munchie) and his Auntie Summer, two days old!

Miss Addy and her Aunt Summer loving PINK!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Nanni and her very first grandson:
Lincoln Cole Templeton
Born 7/12/2007
9lbs 3 oz.
...A chunker but so prefect and precious...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Brooke and Jodi's prego bellies.
Summ and Melanie hanging..........&
Jodi, Summ and Jan at a Body Shop Party